Selasa, 27 Mei 2014

Why "English"?

English is an important element that must be studied seriously today.  There may be a thousand reasons that make you put off to learn this international language. Perhaps, you will say, I do not like the English language, I am not currently working in the field of English language, or my activities have nothing to do with English. In fact, a lot of benefits that we will find, directly or not, when we master the English language.

In the global era, there will be more developments taking place in this country. Starting from free trade, and then increasing number of foreign companies in Indonesia, so that the users of International language (English) have been very widespread. Of course, to the prospective entrepreneurs and job seekers, English has become a necessity to be mastered in order to follow the development of the globalization era.

Then, English is used as everyday language by 400 million people around the world. You can imagine how proud you are, when you are meeting the Americans, British, Scottish, and Singapore, you are able to communicate with them. No need to speak fluently, but most importantly, they understand the meaning of your English and vice versa.

Besides, the another benefits which will you get are you have the opportunity to study abroad by scholarship

there are many job opportunities which are much better available for you, expanding network online business which you have, enjoying hundreds of movies, TV channels of the world, and books in English, and the last is dating from abroad? Why not?

Now, you have known why you have to master English Language. If you have not ever learn English seriously before, after reading this blog you can begin to learn English because you will get the profit from the language which is very beneficial. It is never too late. Start from now!

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